Management for musicians and orchestras
Masterclasses for conductors and for musicians
Concert organisation for Orchestras, Conductors and for Solo Musician
Orchestral practice and DVD/ CD recordings for conductors, soloist musicians and singers
Youth Orchestra / Youth Choir / Orchestra / Choir trip organisation
Orchestra and Ensemble management

Our Team:
Laszlo Blaskovics - Executive Manager
Andera Molnar - Project Manager
Judit Felszeghy - Project Manager
Katalin Kallay - Assistant Project Manager, Artistic Adviser
Agnes Kallay - Assistant Project Manager
Ferenc Szklenar - Artisitic Adviser
Jozsef Weiss - Sound Engineer, Music Director
Laszlo Demeter - Videographer
Reka Uramovszky - Assistant
Rebeka Uramovszky - Assistant

Laszlo Blaskovics
Laszlo Blaskovics is founder and executive manager of Blaskovics music agency: managing masterclasses, tutoring, ensembles and cultural trips. The musical aspects of his knowledge, stam from on 20 years organisation experiences and his professional musician and artist background. From 2021 he is the program-manager of Danube Symphony Orchestra and also founder and director of Zenel a Kastely Fesztival / Music Palace Festival at Royal Palace of Godollo.
In the past 20 years Laszlo Blaskovics founded and designed Ensemble Marquise and Ensemble Artistocrats and he is successfully managing the famous Danube Conducting Masterclasses and Concerto Masterclasses.
Recently he is the programme manager of Danube Symphony Orchestra of Budapest and also 3 years ago founder and executive manager of Music Palace Festival of Royal Palace of Godollo.
In his musician career Laszlo Blaskovics is one of the small company of male singers specialising in the soprano register. He studied with Prof. Sylvia Geszty, Prof. Krisztina Laki and Prof. Csilla Ötvös in Vienna and Budapest. In 2002, László won a special prize in the 8th „Sylvia Geszty” International Coloratura Singing Contest in 2002, in Murcia, Spain. His extraordinary voice is a curiosity, its exceptional range enabling him to perform the male soprano repertoire which was so popular during the baroque period. “Laszlo has an extraordinary soprano voice, evoking the authentic sound of baroque opera.” Since 2009 he is the soloist of the English early music ensemble, Fiori Musicali as well. His most significant performances were: Handel: Messiah – soprano solo ( in Budapest), and performing on several times on famous early music festivals as: Varazdin Baroque Evening, Brezice Festival, Varna Summer Music, include of more than 500 concerts on the past 20 years.
As a teacher he begins to teach at Northamptonshire Performing and Arts Service at 2010, also he teaches in private.
Additionally as an artist he studied in Art Secondary School, than did a college course of ceramist and traditional Hungarian folk art. Later in his life he began to make drawings as Hyperrealism style.